LM317 adjustable power supply layout

LM317 schematic

For some reason the Adafruit instructions on this confused me horribly, so for my memory rather than anything else, here’s a stripboard layout for the LM317. The input voltage should be at least 3v greater than the output voltage. There’s also an extra input protection diode and another capacitor slung in for good measure.

LM317 stripboard layout


  1. 22nd March 2017Don says:

    Very useful layout. I am wondering which stripboard layout program was used?
    I like the component outlines used.
    Were these stock or did you have to create them?
    I have been using VeedCad, but its not friendly for making custom outlines.
    thanks for posting this.

  2. 23rd March 2017ua726 says:

    Thanks Don

    I used DIY Layout Creator for, which is pretty but doesn’t allow you to verify the layout against a netlist… so I’ve since moved to Veecad.

  3. 14th September 2020Gerd Verreycken says:

    Great layout but >= should be <=28V

  4. 14th September 2020ua726 says:

    Hah, yeah good spot – serves me right for chopping it straight out of the datasheet 🙂

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