God, the bassline on this – “you got me runnin'”

Was trying to find the Danny Krivit edit of this to post (on the Edits by Mr. K comp), but here’s a reconstruction of a Larry Levan tape edit. Tight, sharp blasting horns, and an irresistible bassline.

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“I regard each record I make as worthless and useless just like anybody else’s”
The Story of O – interview with Bobby O, from The Face (via the Wayback Machine).

Just rediscovered this tonight – brilliantly overwrought vocals from the man that originally recorded “West End Girls” with the Pet Shop Boys. I’ve listened to this seven times tonight already.

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Pino D’Angio – Ma Quale Idea

Curious what the sample was behind Madison Avenue’s “Don’t Call Me Baby“, I found this turn-of-the-80s Italian disco extravaganza via one of those sample-spotting sites. Clearly a man who enjoys his cigs.

Worth watching until the end to see his sarky “ok, clap now” gesture, only to be followed “oh you’re too kind” hand-waving.

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