SEM pot board

SEM pot board

Here’s my second go at the potentiometer board for my version of the SEM (previous post here).

I’m fairly happy with it, apart from the fact that my additions have pushed it over the original size a bit, meaning I won’t be able put two together in a 19″ box like the ObieRack.

Extra/different stuff:

  • second LFO (hence the wonky LM13700)
  • plus/minus one volt octave switches for the VCOs (hence a few references and a quad opamp)
  • LED indicators for the LFOs (couple of op-amps)
  • LED indicator for the second envelope (which is a bit pointless)
  • switches for oscillator shapes and modulation sources (due to the general lack of centre-tapped pots)
  • external connections routed one side of the board

There’s loads wrong with my paper and cardboard test front panel (it’s too small, for one), but this is some kind of idea of how it might look. The circles around the pots were just to work out maximum sizes for the pots and spacing while I was arranging it.

SEM with test front panel

The attack pot for the first envelope is something like 1mm too far to the right on the board, aargh. Forget doing the board again though.

Initially I was just going to make two, then I ended up making four of them, because why not.

potential four voice SEM

I mean, Mr Splitradix has five of the things, and Vince has bloody ten of them, so just keeping to four seemed fairly (almost) restrained.

This now means I’ve got to build some sort of panning mixer for the four voices. And also a MIDI interface and maybe some sort of flexible cv/gate assigner thing so I can round-robin play and hold the four voices from one or two channels of the MC-4.

And now I think about it a bit more, it’d be a good idea to have some common VCO pitch and cutoff tuning controls as well. And a common LFO. Let’s cover the world in LFOs.

(I hadn’t really thought this whole “let’s make a load of SEMS” thing through, really.)

I’m definitely not doing common envelope controls though. The envelopes on the boards aren’t voltage controllable as they are; it’s said that the FVS used early versions of the CEM3310 for this, and that just sounds like a massive faff. Even more of a faff.

One thing that I absolutely love about the SEM from a construction point-of-view is that the front panel just plugs into the voice board – here’s a photo of one of them balanced in-between some plants on a windowsill:

OK, so it looks strangely wonky in the photo but everything connects up so easily, and it’s just so compact.

I guess this’ll be no surprise to anyone building Eurorack modules, but after having wired up a System 100 model 102 clone all point-to-point, the relative lack of wiring is glorious.

Fuck wiring! It’s no fun!

There was good discussion on the Analogue Heaven mailing list recently (yeah! mailing lists! from the old days!) about the FVS versus the OB-X, and there was some thought that the OB-X sounded somehow nicer because of the OTA used in the audio summer (and the pre-distortion technique they used to counter-intuitively reduce the distortion on the super dynamic signal), so it’s tempting to try and implement that in the output section.

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  1. 12th July 2024JRC4558D says:

    Just found this second instance of your SEM clone project, really like the previous one despite of the cabling thing.
    How the new cable-less version sounds compared to the previous one? Changing the CA3080 by the LM13700?

    I’m really obsessed with the SEM sound so starting the cloning process in eagle with nothing more than the original circuits and a bunch of pics of the original pcb’s ( I guess the same way you did it) , going to use BC550C and 560C as NPN – PNP and the 112 for fets and get some CA3080. For caps just like the original, polyester, styroflex and mica, same everything. Sounds crazy? you did it and it sounds awesome to me.

    Anyways, thanks for sharing! your project pumped up mine! 🙂

  2. 13th July 2024ua726 says:

    Sorry, I might not have been clear – the synth board bit is the same thing as before, so it sounds the same, I just made a circuit board for the potentiometers (and a bit of extra control circuitry), and that plugs into the synth board.

    The LM13700 on the panel board is just in there for the extra LFO, which is probably overkill. I’d imagine that the 13700 would sound very similar (or even the same) as the 3080 on the synth board, but I’ve not tried it.

    Don’t get me wrong, I like the sound of the individual SEMs, it’s just that I’m a bit down on 4xSEMs as a polyphonic synth. Maybe I’ll feel a bit differently once I’ve sorted out the polyphonic control section of my quad SEM box.

    LM301s aren’t so easy to find in DIP now. I’d imagine that BC550/BC560 would be ok instead of the 2n3904/2n3906, just got to flip them the other way round. I found some mica caps on eBay.

    Don’t forget the +/-18.5V power supply requirement. There might be a way around this, but for me it just seemed easier to go with it.

    Just to say In terms of current usage, I measured 350mA on the +V rail and 240mA on the -V rail for the four voices when not playing back any notes. While playing a note the -V rail jumped to 340mA, probably because I’ve got the LEDs jacked up a bit too much.

    Good luck with it!

  3. 2nd December 2024Gianfranco Michele says:

    First of all I wanted to congratulate you for the truly remarkable work you have done, then I wanted to ask you if you can tell me what type of potentiometers are used: if (and which) linear (A) and which logarithmic (B). I am thinking of making my own clone, but unfortunately I can’t find this information anywhere.
    Thanks, regards.

  4. 2nd December 2024ua726 says:

    Aw thanks.

    Just had a quick look at the schematic and was surprised to see it wasn’t mentioned there – not sure where I got the tapers from now.

    FWIW Mr Fabric Astronaut used different tapers to me – I went for 1M log/audio pots for the attack and decay and LFO pots, and also 50K audio pots for the mixer section. The rest were all linear pots, mostly 50KB.

    Good luck with making your own clone!

  5. 3rd December 2024Gianfranco Michele says:

    Thank you for the information, I’m thinking of starting from a clone as identical as possible to the original (from a circuit point of view and as much as possible) in order to have a “test bench” for future developments, since the individual stages of that board, in addition to being relatively simple, provide many external intervention points to be able to adjust a large number of parameters.

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