The easiest Akai X7000 fix

View of the Akai X7000 sampler keyboard front panel, looking at the logo

Sheriff JW brought his Akai X7000 boat-anchor/sampler round for a bit of attention. He’d replaced the long dead 2.8″ QuickDisk drive, and that bit worked nicely, but he said that the output had gone really, really quiet.

He wasn’t kidding – It was so quiet, we couldn’t hear anything out of the line out at all, and only some very faint sounds out of the headphone output.

Before getting my hands on it I thought that there was a possibility that the main output opamp was dead, but after having a poke around on the voice board, I found that couldn’t measure much of any sort of a signal, with only the headphone output having anything measurable at about 10mV.

The user interface itself worked happily, I could navigate around, select programs, twiddle the values for things like the filter, and load samples from the QuickDisk replacement drive. But it was just really hard to hear anything.

The editing wheel, LCD display, pitch bend, modulation wheel, and volume control on JW's Akai X7000

Finally I realised that I should just check the power rails, because that’s what you should always do first (…yeah), and the +V on IC4 on the output was 3.8V or thereabouts. The -V was less than a volt.

The service manual says that the voice board gets +/-15V and +/-5V, so this seemed badly wrong. I disconnected the cable to the voice board, and measured the voltages on the PSU board directly, and got 0V.

…and then, only then – I noticed the fuses.

I didn’t take a photo of the insides (this is rare for me, I love this sort of thing) but they’re really obvious on the PSU board at the bottom right, just a couple of T500mA glass fuses. And they measured open.

I replaced those and ta-daaa, finally we got samples played at full volume in glorious 12-bit.

The samples from the Akai sound library that were included with the solid state QD-replacement drive were pretty nice (if you like that sort of thing), lots of nicely looped stuff. Shame there couldn’t have been an easier way to have the disk drive screen on the top, as it’s otherwise pretty convenient to use this for selecting presets.

Akai X7000 replacement solid state disk drive

Anyway I managed to get a chopped up “Hot Pants” loop going round, then sampled a bit of Whitney’s “So Emotional” as is traditional, but then it had to go back with its owner.

“Hot Pants” just seems to sound really nicely rough in that aggressive sort of way in the X7000 when sampled at slightly too low a bandwidth, it has such a nice hard texture to it. None of my DIY drum loops ever quite come through in that same rough way.

All my samplers are just rack units, but actually having one with such a wide keyboard built-in is quite nice, makes it very immediate. But it’s too big, and I’ve long since ran out of room.

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unexciting pro-one octave switch fix

the back of a Sequential Circuit Pro-One synthesiser, showing the logo and the jack inputs and outputs

A few months back the octave switch on the first oscillator of my Irish theme pub synth, the Sequential Circuits Pro-One, started to miss out certain octaves when switching. It’s the switch with a black base and and manky off-white stalk towards the top in this photo:

Pro-One circuitboard oscillator section

I had a look at the schematic and hoped it might be a dead logic IC or something, as I wasn’t sure if the switch would be available forty years later. Also, what kind of switch is this?

A section of the Pro-One schematic, showing the octave switch for oscillator A

I poked around with my multimeter, and boo, it was the switch. It wasn’t making the connection on particular footage settings.

I had a search around and it turns out it’s a double pole, four position rotary slide switch, and according to the excellent A to Synth blog, it’s actually still available in the form of the C&K R20407RN02Q from Farnell or Mouser for about £6 or so.

Although I say that now, I didn’t find out it was still generally available until after I’d ordered a replacement on eBay from a seller in Spain for twenty quid. Curses – but a grudging hats off to the guy in Spain for marketing his listing well, I guess.

I wanted to desolder the original switch cleanly in case I could take it to bits and fix it but it…disassembled itself.

The old rotary switch, having undergone emergency disassembly, removed from the circuitboard

Whups. This was due to a bit of mild violence when trying to get it off the board. At least we can get an idea of how it works – those silver discs slide into cutout sections either side of the base of the shaft, and connect adjacent pins.

It looks almost as if I should be able to rebuild it, but I think I’ve trashed the tiny plastic clips that hold the black top of the switch in.

It took me far too long to get it off the board, despite my desoldering tool.  More as a reminder to myself; the tactics should be:

  • add some fresh solder to the pin
  • press the tool over the pin
  • wait until it obviously melts
  • press the button, waggle the tool over the pin,  and suck all the solder out for longer than you think
  • check that the pin is no longer attached to the hole, but pushing the pin the edge of a screwdriver or something to see if the pin moves, and therefore is no longer attached to the edge of the hole
  • add some fresh solder if it’s still attached, and try desoldering again
  • once you’ve finished, clean all the old solder out of the solder sucker

Here are the desoldered holes:

Showing the octave switch having been desoldered from oscillator A

And here’s the newly soldered switch – being careful to align pin 1 on the switch with pin 1 on the board:

Showing the new octave switch in-place on the circuitboard

And it works.

I mean I am glad, it’s just kind of a bit boring.

Time to put it back together. Thanks for checking it over Wendy:

"Wendy - 12/2/81" written in marker on the base of the Pro-One

To finish off I gave it a bit of a clean-up, and reglued some of the previously-Araldited panel standoffs that had broken, and now it works nicely and looks good again, despite the lack of side panels. I could get some replacements but it wouldn’t fit in the space next to my MC-4, so it stays like this for now.

Pro-One all screwed back together and looking shiny (but still minus its wooden sides)
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MC-4 power switch horror

Alright, horror is a bit dramatic. Bear in mind I love my MC-4, maybe not quite to the extent that I want to be buried with it when I die, but you know.

The softly glowing power switch had gone wonky, with one side slightly pushed in. I didn’t really think anything of this until the other day when I went to switch it off and it fell in completely, and then started flipping off and on as if it was panicking…

…and then I started to panic, and lunged for the mains switch.

Then the switch fell out completely – here’s the button with the two broken bits.

Broken MC-4 power switch, showing the pivot points having snapped off

Clearly one of the plastic (not delicious) orangey bits had fallen off at some stage, so it was just a matter of time until the other one broke. The bobbley bits are the parts that the switch face pivots on, they clip into holes in the on the inside of the body of the switch:

Bosted power switch

…which is looking pretty manky after forty years or so.

I glued the pivot points back onto the switch in the hope of getting it working again, but I couldn’t balance the contacts and springs and squeeze the switch face into the body it without hearing it all coming adrift.

I didn’t fancy taking a guess at how it should go back together when 230V would be bouncing around inside, so I started looking for a new switch, more out of hope – and found this from RS for a panel cut-out of 30x22mm:

Brand new replacement power switch - shame it's not amber-colour, but can't have everything

Not the right colour, but maybe the right size?

Time to pull the old switch body out, and it was a bit of a fight. I took a photo of the markings on the side of the original in case anyone comes across a warehouse full of the things – marked T100 16A 2WI XII, and also T 65 C UND.LAB JNC LIST.

MC-4 original power switch markings

I made a note of all the connections before desoldering:

Making a note of the connections on the old bosted switch

After carefully heatshrinking the connections, and doing a bit of testing with a multimeter, it fitted in place perfectly:

Replacement switch in place - fits perfectly

Flip the switch, nothing goes bang, it glows…

New power switch glowing on in the murkiness

and success. (Still a shame about the cracked screen, nothing to be done about that really).

Switched-on and now working ok, phew

I’ll keep hold of the original amber switch in case I manage to finagle it back together.

While we’re here, let’s have a look inside. First time I’ve actually had it open, most things usually succumb to the screwdriver in the first week or so – here’s the transformer/noise filter/power supply board.

Transformer, noise filter, and power supply board

Here’s the main board, the Sharp version of the Z-80A in the middle-top, 16K of Mitsubishi-flavour memory on the left and 10K of EEPROMs including the system program on the right.

Roland MC-4 main board, including Z-80A CPU, memory, EEPROMs, and supporting circuitry

I went off into a little dream for a bit thinking, ooh actually, it seems like there’s actually 6K of memory address space free for extra code – maybe we could add some extra functionality.

Even if that’s technically possible, I realised it wouldn’t be much fun actually finding somewhere to put the extra ROMs and wiring up the additional select lines from the ROM address decoder at IC60.

And then desoldering the EEPROMs, installing sockets, reading the EEPROMs, disassembling the code, re-learning how to write Z-80 assembly (not that I was ever very good at it) and then about a billion other things.

It would be easier just to recreate it, like I’ve been talking about for the last ten years or so. Maybe this scare will spur me on.

Here’s the extra 32K of memory on the expansion board, with the connector on the right leading from the main board, and the connector on top leading to the digital cassette interface at the back.

MC-4 RAM board, including 32K of extra RAM and the digital cassette interface circuitry

This MC-4 has a serial number that works out to being built (according to the handy Roland/Boss serial number decoder site) in September 1981, and the date codes on the ICs on the main board all line up with that, but expansion board ICs are dated 1982/83, which is weird.

I would have wondered if mine was an MC-4A (with 16K of memory) later expanded to an MC-4B (with 48K and the digital cassette port) but for the fact that the serial number plate clearly says it’s a B. Maybe the extra RAM board chips were failing and another one was subbed in.

Here’s the back of the front with the lovely period wiggly lines.

Wiggly lines: MC-4 front panel circuit board from the back

Now it’s all back together and working happily.

So anyway, if you’ve got an MC-4 still in use, go easy on the power button.